Scheduling a Visit is a Three Step Dance
The BikeMobile partners with schools and community based organizations to provide free bike repair and education for youths, parents, and youth workers in the Bay Area. During a 3-4 hour visit we can fix up to 20-30 bikes. We fix flat tires, adjust brakes and gears, and even replace broken or worn out parts like chains, seats, and tires. BikeMobile visits can stand alone or they can link up to an existing event like a Health Fair. All you have to do is pick a date and promote it with flyers and announcements.
View our calendar to pick the perfect date.
View our requirements to see if you meet our short list of pre-requisites to host an event, and sign up if you do!
3. Promote
We’ll send you an email with our promotional materials. Use these to make sure everyone hears the good news about your event.